
Welcome to Janelle's Art Blog! :D I'm Janelle, and I love drawing. This will be my blog where I'll post art, and some other things. (: You can find me all about the internet; I have a deviantART account, a fanfiction account, and some other stuff. (:

Thanks for looking! ^^

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Roslyn Penny - OC drawings (:

This is my OC, Roslyn Penny. (: She's a horse shape-shifter/animagus/whatever ya wanna call. This is her in both her human form and horse form. Yeah she's got the whole emo hair thing going on. No clue why she's wearing a bodysuit; I just felt like she should be wearing one. Along with heels. And I really want those gloves. The mark on her shoulder, she has in both horse and human form. And the feather is in her hair in both forms.

I don't have much on her character yet; still in the development process...but yeah. I stink at drawing horses, so that's why this one isn't very good. I'll practice. x)

Giving credit where credit is due:
Zipper Brushes © kassandra00 on deviantART
Space stuff, tree's and grassy stuff, and feather brushes © falln-stock on deviantART

you can see both these pictures in bigger and better quality here: Horse Form Human Form

Each picture took me about 2-3 hourse total using Photoshop. (:

I...think that's everything about her. xD I'll be posting a charrie profile about her soon on my dA, I'll link here once that is up. P: Or you could follow my deviantART account: ohmistermalfoyoh

thanks for looking! (:

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